
The Customer Needs An Expert

Trust me, there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to market a service that the customer doesn't want… and believe me, I've tried. But no matter what your product or service, there are some universal truths about online marketing thatyou need to follow. And your website needs to Wholesale China convey this simple truth:The customer wants an EXPERT.Don’t wait for someone else to confer the title upon you: take it for yourself. If you know more than the homeowner about your trade, then you ARE an expert to them. There is always someone who knows more than you… so what? If they are paying you to do a job, then you are the expert.A couple of years ago we got a contract on a fairly large new deck in an affluent neighborhood in our area. It was a great project and had the potential to generate tons of word of mouth advertising for us in a fairly new neighborhood if we did a good job.My Operations Manager drew up the plans and marked out where the footers were supposed to go—standard stuff: 36 inches deep with tubes, and since we had to do about 14 holes, we rented an auger to do the digging. I called dig-safe Motorcycle Helmet and sent one of my better guys to dig the holes. Unfortunately, he didn’t understand the markings that his supervisor had put on the plans and on the ground.So he fumbled around for a while and when the homeowner came out and asked what the problem was, he told the homeowner that he (and I quote here…) “didn’t know how to dig the holes or how to operate the auger.”With those simple 13 words, that employee did untold damage to our small company. He cost me all of my profit (and them some) and any referrals I might get from that job. The homeowner went nuts (and rightfully so) and called me screaming that I had sent unqualified people to his home. From that moment on, we were under the microscope: every nail, screw, and board was scrutinized for error for the remainder of the job.It was miserable.I pulled him off the job and gave him a week or two “vacation” with a stern warning that if he EVER did not understand something that he was to shut his pie-hole, get off the site, and call a supervisor immediately. The truth is that we built an excellent deck, but it did not matter. No matter what we did from that moment on it would never be good enough; that customer turned from a raving fan into the customer from hell by one irresponsible employee spouting off his mouth inappropriately.If you’ve been there, you know that the BEST you can hope for is to walk away with your dignity intact. I lost a lot of money on that job, but I learned a lot as well. The customer wants (and deserves) an expert. Every member of your team down to your newest helper MUST project that image! That includes your online marketingand advertising. Take a look at your site today and make sure that any visitorclearly understands that you are an expert in your field.

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